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The Woes of No Air Conditioning


I don’t know about you guys, but it’s been pretty hot around where I live. It was around 104 degrees just the other day. And unfortunately for me, my home does not have air conditioning.

And I don’t do well in heat.

So. I’ve had to come up with some creative solutions to beat the heat.

Otherwise I’d go insane. Though I’m not entirely certain I’m not already there.

Anyway, here are three methods I’ve found to help beat the heat, no air conditioning required. (Or, you know, you could just leave and go someplace that has air conditioning).

1) Scoop a generous amount of ice cubes into a zip lock bag (using two bags to prevent leaks). Strap to back beneath shirt using duct tape.

2) Find a room with a ceiling fan. Proceed to acquire three freestanding fans and position them in a triangle below the ceiling fan. Turn all four fans on high, lie face up on the floor (preferably hard wood floor), and enjoy the wind tunnel.

3) Stick head in the freezer.

How do you like to beat the heat of summer?